Avoiding Spoilers at School
Photo by Marina Ten Have
The high school library––one of the “danger zones” for spoilers at ASIJ.
Spoilers are a pet-peeve of mine. And for students at ASIJ, even walking the halls puts us at risk of having something ruined that we’ve been anticipating. The risk obviously depends on what it is we’re looking forward to, but it’s always terrifying going to school when a big movie, show, or sporting event has opened that we have yet to see. I mean, I can’t believe the number of times I heard the ending of Avengers: Infinity War at school the week it came out!
This phenomenon puts pressure on people to see big releases or events right away for fear of having them ruined; however, some people aren’t always so lucky. If you ever want to walk out of school at three o’clock not knowing anything that happened in the entertainment world, the following tips might help.

To start things off, a good pair of headphones goes a long way. Both the morning and afternoon buses are often filled with conversations that can easily be heard from any row, and you’re going to need something to block out the noise. Play music, watch Youtube, listen to a podcast, whatever, as long as it blocks out the noises of the bus.
Avoiding the BLR and Library is also going to be essential. These locations get incredibly crowded between classes and during breaks, and a mention of a game score can easily be overheard. If you need somewhere to hang out between classes, it’s best to stick to the outside areas on campus or in an empty classroom (if the teacher is okay with it, of course). Your headphones can also come into use if you can not find anywhere totally secluded.
You also want to make sure to communicate with the other kids you hang out with not to discuss the topic. It would be a shame if you spent so much time and effort avoiding spoilers from others to have one of your friends say something.

The most difficult thing is when you are in class. It’s usually not too bad because of most of the attention in the room being is directed towards the class, and people are less likely to talk about what happened in last night’s episode that you haven’t seen yet. You can always communicate that you don’t want spoilers for anything before the class begins, but that may not always work. Best bet is to take a seat away from the crowd for the day.
Hopefully, this helped spare you from the spoilers that radiate from the ASIJ community, and you have a nice time viewing whatever you were late to the party for.

Kyler is a Sophomore at ASIJ. When he is not referring to himself in the third person or doing...

Hi, I'm Marina, and I'm a photographer for the Hanabi website. I have been captivated by the power...
Hino • Dec 12, 2019 at 8:31 AM
I love this article! I agree that there are lots of spoilers at school, too, and it sucks. Thank you for the tips.
Mathis • Mar 22, 2019 at 10:48 AM
I agree that the best place to here a spoiler is at school in general. But I think the only reliable way to never get spoiled something is to be one of the first to see/read what happened.
Jesse Bidle • Mar 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM
Nice article! Thanks for saving me from spoilers.
Nina Vander Louw • Mar 22, 2019 at 10:43 AM
This was such a fun topic, I really enjoy how you are so passionate about not hearing spoilers!! I thought it was very well written and intriguing.
Zachary • Mar 22, 2019 at 10:42 AM
I completely agree with you and your advice about having a good pair of headphones to block out the noise. Not only do headphones help avoid spoilers, but the also block out annoying little kids talking about Fortnite.
Francisco • Mar 22, 2019 at 10:41 AM
Thanks for writing this very interesting and relatable article.
Liam • Mar 22, 2019 at 9:16 AM
Because the US is the movie-making capital of the world, movies come out later in most other countries. I like the article but spoilers cannot be stoped in all only limited.
Tomlinson • Feb 26, 2019 at 6:06 AM
I wonder how far students will go to avoid spoilers of kids talking about assessments in school before they’ve taken them. Are these conversations spoilers? I would challenge you to take this idea away from the superficial and dig deeper and challenge the status quo. Thanks for this Hanabi. It’s great.
Carrie Bennett • Feb 23, 2019 at 2:12 PM
Let’s have an ASIJ spoiler pledge:)