Humans of ASIJ – Anna Komisarof ’20
February 19, 2020

“My passion is using my interests as a way to contribute to the community. For example, last year I did EMPWR, which was combining my passion for fitness and female empowerment and advocating for girls. Also, recently I have been helping out in middle school and through (the club) SAFE and reducing plastic on campus. For instance, discouraging the PTA from using plastic and things like that.”
“This summer I went to a summer program called the Global Citizens Initiative and I was able to meet 27 other teenagers who were passionate about changing the world for the better, by pursuing their passions, and they really inspired me to do my own projects that mix my passions and interests.”
“I think my mom was definitely one of my biggest role models, because she’s such a patient person, and she’s so kind. I guess I just draw from her in the fact that she was a working mom, but she still follows her passions and her dreams despite societal expectations. I have so much respect for her for doing that and kind of breaking the status quo.”