Introduce yourself! What class[es] do you currently teach, how long have you been at ASIJ, and what do you like to do outside of school?
This year I teach AP Lit and English 10, but I didn’t teach either last year. As English teachers, we often teach different things in different years.
This is my fifth year at ASIJ.
I love reading and baseball.
When did you discover your love for English? Did you always love it?
I loved to read as a kid. I read Nancy Drew books non-stop. In high school I enjoyed reading long books (like The Count of Monte Cristo) during the summer. But I only realized I really, really love reading and talking about books in my freshman year of college, when everyone at my school had to take a mandatory literature seminar. It was the best.
What is your opinion on AI and Chat GPT? How, if at all, do you incorporate it into your teaching?
Not a fan. I personally don’t think it’s necessary in an HS English class. We should be learning to read, write, and think on our own and with each other. No need for algorithms to get involved.
Which is your favorite English skill: Reading, Writing, or Speaking?
Please give a book recommendation and explain why students should read this book.
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. It’s a tough read, but the payoff is worth it. It’s about an axe murderer.
If you could teach a course based on your niche interest, what would it be?
Title: Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
Description: In this course, students will familiarize themselves with the canonical works of the two giants of Russian literature. We will explore the timeless and existential questions posed and explored by Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. This course will require significant reading.
What do you want students to take away from your classes?
I know I definitely fail at this, but I hope maybe some students realize that we can learn a lot from great fiction. And that reading and talking about books is interesting and enjoyable.