Technology and School, for Better and Worse
Photo by Rachel Martini
December 10, 2019
On ASIJ’s campus, technology is everywhere: iPads, computers, and iPhones are used from the ELC up through high school, in the classroom, on the buses, in the hallways. The primary use of technology at ASIJ in recent years has been to enhance and deepen understanding of the topics being learned. However, does technology actually improve one’s quality of learning?
ASIJ, along with most other schools worldwide, has integrated technology into the curriculum. This addition has changed the way students of all ages work and learn. Now, not only do students have a handful of teachers at school, but also thousands available online.
There are pros and cons to the addition of technology in schools. According to an article published by the US Department of Education, “Historically, a learner’s educational opportunities have been limited by the resources found within the walls of a school.” Technology extends the classroom endlessly, allowing students to pursue interests and classes that may not be available at their school. Technology also provides resources for students, such as online dictionaries, thesauruses, and customized learning experiences on websites such as IXL, Membean, Delta Math, and more. Online education also engages students, providing instant feedback and help.

However, there is a considerable amount of research demonstrating the harmful effects of technology on students. A study conducted by Princeton University and UCLA showed a significant difference between longhand notes and typing notes in the retention of material learned. Since typing is almost six times faster than writing, students are more likely to transcribe their teacher’s lectures. Handwriting, on the other hand, forces students to be selective with what they write and process the information given.
In addition, technology can facilitate and increase the chances of students cheating. The constant lure of using another’s work as their own is something some students fall prey to. Even ASIJ has been forced to address the issue of cheating, adding an “honor pledge” to major assignments and tests in recent years.
Another common problem with laptops, especially for teenagers, is the other apps and websites that could be a distraction. “When my homework is on my computer, I find it really hard to finish it because I get distracted. When I have paper homework, I do it a lot better and a lot faster because I can leave my computer downstairs,” said Noa Brown, a freshman at ASIJ.
Opinions on technology vary from teacher to teacher at ASIJ. “Technology offers unlimited access to information, both visual and written,” stated Javier Fernandez, a Spanish teacher at ASIJ for over 25 years. “There’s a place for technology, where there’s a value. But it can also make people intellectually lazy. I believe that the most important thing is human connection, and if technology destroys that, then I think it has no place in a classroom.”

Samarie Rodriguez, a counselor in the High School said, “Technology is great in the classroom when used the right way. It can help kids gain a deeper understanding of a topic, or get more help. However, it can cause a distraction or be unhelpful in the classroom if used unethically.”
In a school where technology plays a huge part in our everyday lives, it is impossible to ignore the impact it has on our community. Where do you stand?
Rey Saitoh • Dec 13, 2019 at 2:20 PM
I believe that the article is well researched on the evidence needed to support the fact that technology has positive and negative effects on students; thus, the points stated here are clear for the reader. I agree with the fact that many learning resources online can aid students with their education, and I also agree with the idea of how technology can be utilized for plagiarism. Having said that, by restricting technology uses, as Mr. Fernandes stated, we can further develop our ‘human connections’. Yet, I still truly believe that technology is necessary for everyday needs, as you stated.
Shun Fujita • Dec 13, 2019 at 2:14 PM
I enjoyed reading this article because it was clear and informative. I liked the article stated both sides and integrates quotes and research relevant to the topic. I also liked how it provides multiple examples of how the school views technology. Overall, I think this is a great article that made me think about how technology influences me personally.
sophia • Dec 13, 2019 at 2:12 PM
This article is great! I completely agree that technology (if used correctly) is a great and fun way for students to learn more.
Danya Wang • Dec 13, 2019 at 12:17 PM
This article is clear and formative, it talks about the effects that came with the use of technology. I agree with the statements in the article; technology can affect things negatively if students do not use it correctly.
Pavi • Dec 13, 2019 at 12:13 PM
This is a very well written piece with many good ideas about technology in ASIJ. Nice work!
Philippe Valtat • Dec 13, 2019 at 8:42 AM
I think that we have to use technology well. In classes with group discussion, computers/phones shouldn’t be allowed, as most (if not all) of us will be distracted. However, in a class where you have to take notes, I think we have to use a computer. Most of the review of the topics won’t come during the note-taking process, and so the more notes to study, the better.
I do agree with the cheating part, though.
Nico Sawaki • Dec 13, 2019 at 8:42 AM
This article is excellent. I agree that technology is quite time consuming when misused. When used for school or educational purposes, it is a great and fun way to learn. As stated in the article, technology provides us assistance when we are doing our homework or writing an essay. Thanks, Espi, it was informative!
Lucas • Dec 13, 2019 at 8:41 AM
This article is very informative and relates to common issues that all high schoolers have to deal with this day. With the use of primary sources and quotes, you make this article way more convincing and the point that technology can be used in great ways to learn but can cause distraction is 100% correct.
Bryce Clement • Dec 13, 2019 at 8:40 AM
I really liked this article because it was very clear. First, it introduced the topic of technology, then talked about the pros and cons, which were very easy to understand. I also liked that quotes from various people in ASIJ were used, such as teachers, students, and counselors. Overall this was a very clear and informative article.
Kazuma Ando • Dec 12, 2019 at 12:19 PM
I 100% agree with this article. Good job!
Ren • Dec 12, 2019 at 10:08 AM
As mentioned, I agree that technologies can be distracting at times and can have a negative effect on the students’ learning. But if used correctly, it’s very useful without a doubt. The students being more responsible and thoughtful, or limiting the usage might help technologies benefit us even more in terms of learning and our “human connection”.
Noa • Dec 12, 2019 at 10:06 AM
Very informative and good to know that I’m not the only one that struggles with distraction with technology. I think technology is a big benefit but like you said it has to be used correctly or it can end up doing more bad than good.
Arne Vandervorst • Dec 12, 2019 at 8:21 AM
Great Article as you talk about the pros and cons of technology in schools!