Wise Words From Soon-to-be Graduates
March 2, 2022
With less than 100 days left of school, the departure of the ASIJ Class of ‘22 is imminent. I asked them how they felt about graduating, and for reflections on their overall experience in high school.
How does it feel to be graduating?
“Graduation feels stressful, not knowing what the future holds. But I don’t want to leave; it has all come to an end so fast, and seeing the numbers on the countdown gradually decrease is sad, yet nostalgic. Seeing all the photos on them brings back fond and happy memories.” –Michiru Warren

“Graduation feels very sentimental; very sad and emotional, but also very happy. We can all look forward to a new chapter in our lives.” –Christina Saroukos
“I am excited and scared about graduation, as I have lived here all my life.” –Take Zoot
“I am sad to leave all my friends, since I have known them for such a long time, and created so many precious memories with them. But I am also very excited to start a new chapter in my life and be able to do what I want.” –Melissa Chang
“My high school experience has felt very long due to the fact that for sophomore and junior year we had to stay home because of Covid-19. But senior year has felt so exciting and has gone by so fast, and I am really going to miss it.” –Miyu Peters
“As we are all graduating soon, it has made me become very reflective upon my past four years of my high school experience, and all the things I have done.” –Shou Bernier
What do you see yourself doing/being in the future? Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years’ time?
“In ten years’ time, I hope to see myself happy with whatever I decide to pursue.” –Michiru Warren
“I hope I see myself in the future doing something that makes me really happy, but also something that I can make me become successful; achieving set goals and dreams I have for myself.” –Christina Saroukous
“In the future, I hope to see myself doing something I enjoy and love doing, even if its something that’s not making me much money.” –Take Zoot
“In ten years’ time, I hope that I have graduated from college, and have already started working and doing a job that I am satisfied and happy with. I want to also do something that has an impact on the world and society.” –Melissa Chang
“I have no idea of where I see myself in ten years’ time, as there are so many different things I want to do and be.” –Shou Bernier

What would you tell your younger self?
“I would tell my younger self to sit at another biology table. I would also tell myself to try and do new things, and be more out there!” –Michiru Warren
“Something I would tell my younger self would be to branch out more since I feel as though when I was growing up I wasn’t myself, and didn’t do things I wanted to do.” –Christina Saroukous
“I would tell my younger self to try and push harder.” –Take Zoot
“I would tell my younger self to have fun, and not worry about the little things in life, as they don’t really matter as much as you think they do.” –Shou Bernier
What is your fondest memory of your HS experience?
“Something I am proud of achieving in my HS career is joining the wrestling team, as I have met so many wonderful people, and created so many fond memories. The team is like my second family. I have also made many fond memories and achievements, such as winning the MVP and sportsmanship awards, which is something I couldn’t have done without my team.” –Michiru Warren
“The fond memories I have of high school are doing class comps in person, especially before Covid, as everyone was together and making fun memories. And eating lunch at school with friends has also created very strong and fond memories.” –Miyu Peters
“The thing I will miss most about high school is meeting everybody. I will miss all the people I meet and talk to on a daily basis, as I might never see them again.” –Shou Bernier
What piece of advice would you give to incoming freshmen?
“If I were to give advice to incoming freshmen, I would tell them to enjoy every moment of HS and hang out with friends while they have the chance, as time is limited and precious.” –Michiru Warren
“I would tell an incoming freshman to join a lot of clubs, and do things that make you happy, as you will meet new people, and start figuring out what you truly enjoy doing. I would also tell them to not stress out, in regards to their social and academic life, since they still have such a long way to go; friends come and go, but in the end, you will always figure things out.” –Christina Saroukos

“I would tell a freshman to have fun in the earlier days of high school, as that time is limited.” –Take Zoot“I would tell a freshman to really enjoy the time that they get with their friends, especially at lunch as that is where a lot of fond memories are made.” –Melissa Chang
“I would tell a freshman to really focus on their passions and do things that they enjoy doing. And to really spend time with their friends, but also to set clear goals for themselves, during their time in high school.” –Miyu Peters
“A piece of advice I would give to an incoming freshman is to balance things out; keep up with your studies and work, yet still have fun and do things that you enjoy doing.” –Shou Bernier
To all you soon-to-be graduates, I hope you have a successful future, I wish you luck, and ASIJ will miss you!