Illustration by Hana Ito

Three Lenses to Examine Black History Month

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Black history is an overwhelmingly complex and voluminous topic of study. Black History Month (i.e. the process of celebrating Black history) is equally nuanced and intricate. What does it mean to celebrate Black history? Why only in February? Black History Month abounds with difficult questions and contentious answers.

Take a moment and try to encapsulate the essence of Black History Month in a sentence. 

Now ask a neighbor. 

Surely, no two answers match exactly. There is a plenitude of perspectives through which to explore Black History Month. This article examines just three: Black American History, Black History in Japan, and the psychology of race. Social Studies teachers Mr. Milton, Ms. Krauth, and Mr. Nguyen were interviewed to probe into the essence and significance of Black History Month through one of the above lenses

Look for connections and/or dissents between each lens.

Mr. Milton: Black American History
Ms. Krauth: Celebrating Black History in Japan
Mr. Nguyen: The Psychology of Race

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